The Legacy Housing Foundation was established in February 2016 by a group of Knoxville community leaders along with leadership from LHP Capital, LLC.They recognized the need—and opportunities—to improve the quality of life for individuals, working families, seniors and people with disabilities in need of affordable housing. The foundation was awarded its 501 (c)(3) status in February 2017.
The Good Times Rolling Block Party, Legacy’s signature program to people who live in affordable housing communities, was modeled on a pilot program launched by LHP Capital. Staff and interns distributed goody bags filled with essential household products such as shampoo, soap and toilet to residents at four LHP properties. As Legacy Housing Foundation grew, the Good Times Rolling Block Party gained traction with a staff, more and larger products, and a van!
On August 1, 2016, Dean Parker joined Legacy Housing Foundation as the Event Coordinator. He lined up volunteers for events, coordinated schedules, created promotional flyers so residents would know when Good Times events were happening at their community.
In January 2017, Legacy Housing Foundation became the owner of the vibrantly colored Good Times van that is recognizable throughout the greater Knoxville area.

In the last few years Legacy Housing Foundation has joined with other community organizations to better serve affordable housing community residents. We partner with Cherokee Health Service to deliver nutrition information and addiction support to residents. The Knoxville Outdoor Recreation Experience (KORE) program brings age and ability appropriate games and activities to our events. And are fortunate to work with a student from the UT College of Nursing who brings a great smile and extra hands to Good Times events and other Legacy activities.
Although the Covid-19 pandemic put Good Times events on hold, Dean and the van are still making the rounds: delivering prepackaged bags of products, donated lunches, distributing diapers, and helping out in many other ways. And everyone at Legacy Housing Foundation is excited that soon the Good Times Rolling Block Party and other Legacy programs can get back on the road again!